English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "mwisho" ni ubora au hali ya kuwa ya mwisho, ya kuhitimisha, au ya mwisho. Inarejelea hali au ukweli wa kuwa kamili, kutatuliwa, au kutoweza kutenduliwa, kuonyesha kwamba kitu kimefikia mwisho wake au hitimisho bila uwezekano wa mabadiliko zaidi, mabadiliko, au rufaa. Inatoa hisia ya uhakika kamili, uamuzi, au udumifu.


  1. conclusiveness
  2. decisiveness

Sentence Examples

  1. There was a sense of finality to the click of the door, and I exchanged a look with Adam.
  2. Hearing it spoken aloud in such finality still took them off guard.
  3. Sensing my disapproval, or perhaps realizing I was about to discuss the finality of his attachment to Mary, he began speaking of his childhood.
  4. When Wendy pulled away, the finality of the decision started catching up to Talise.
  5. Rune grinned with a finality that put the topic to rest.
  6. She got to administer the hand of justice, and it was being brought down quickly and with finality.
  7. When they were in place, the top loudly boomed closed, signaling finality.