English to swahili meaning of

Kama nomino, "ferret" ina maana chache tofauti:Mnyama mdogo, walao nyama wa familia ya weasel, mara nyingi hufunzwa kuwinda panya na sungura.Bomba au waya mwembamba unaotumika kuondoa vizuizi au kusambaza gesiumiminika kwa kila mtu kila mtu katika kila mtu. kuhoji mara kwa mara.Kama kitenzi, "ferret" maana yake ni:Kuwinda au kutafuta kitu kwa kuendelea au kwa bidii.Kufukuza nje ya maficho; ili kuondoa.Kufuta njia iliyozuiwa kwa kutumia ferret.

Sentence Examples

  1. If anyone could see through me or ferret out my secrets, it would be him.
  2. I pass my life with my wife, children, and friends my pursuits are hunting and fishing, but I keep neither hawks nor greyhounds, nothing but a tame partridge or a bold ferret or two I have six dozen or so of books, some in our mother tongue, some Latin, some of them history, others devotional those of chivalry have not as yet crossed the threshold of my door I am more given to turning over the profane than the devotional, so long as they are books of honest entertainment that charm by their style and attract and interest by the invention they display, though of these there are very few in Spain.
  3. I ran checkpoints on meaningless roads that did nothing to ferret out the bad guys.
  4. A doe ferret rubs her itching side against a mossy rock.
  5. He had been piqued by the failure of all his endeavors to ferret out the assassins.