English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno kisingizio ni kutoa sababu au maelezo ya jambo ambalo limefanywa au kusemwa, haswa ili kuhalalisha au kutetea. Inaweza pia kumaanisha kumwachilia mtu kutoka kwa wajibu au wajibu, au kusamehe mtu kwa kosa au kosa. Zaidi ya hayo, "udhuru" unaweza kurejelea taarifa iliyotolewa ili kujieleza au kujitetea, au kwa ombi rasmi la ruhusa ya kutokuwepo au kuachiliwa kutoka kwa jambo fulani.


  1. apology

Sentence Examples

  1. He desired Aouda to excuse him from breakfast and dinner, as his time would be absorbed all day in putting his affairs to rights.
  2. She waited until a just barely civilized time to excuse herself and then fled to her quarters.
  3. I despised my husband and my pitiful excuse of a job.
  4. Carl had gone into protective mode and seemed to be looking for an excuse to go after Alec.
  5. It all seemed a little contrived to me, merely an excuse for the rich and powerful to rub elbows.
  6. Those found breaking the curfew faced summary execution, no matter what valid excuse they might think they had.
  7. Instead, he kept them to himself, deciding that following her lead would give him an excuse to keep a close eye on her.
  8. He had been sure Northumberland had been a fool to leave London, and as soon as he heard Mary was marching there then it was the excuse he needed to return himself.
  9. He tightened his arm about her shoulders, and she was glad for the excuse to shrug him off when she reached the refreshments and could pour herself a drink from one of the pitchers.
  10. I use the phone call as an excuse to get off the table and put a little distance between the two of us.

TV Series Examples



Excuse me, my lords.