Maana ya kamusi ya neno "furahiya" ni kufurahishwa na kitu au kupata furaha au kuridhika kutoka kwayo. Inaweza pia kumaanisha kuwa na manufaa au matumizi ya kitu fulani au kuwa na wakati mzuri au kuburudishwa na jambo fulani.
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My first press trip and I so wanted to escape the insanity of New Orleans and enjoy my new career, embrace the exciting new life that I valiantly created for myself.
We all take a moment to enjoy this delicate balance of light and water and I can feel our shared energy of awe.
I hope you enjoy my alternative take on this classic sub-genre.
The blueberry flavoring was so intense I closed my eyes to thoroughly enjoy the experience.
Instead, I enjoy the rolling countryside of northwest Arkansas with the budding sycamore and maple trees, fields full of rolled hay and nonchalant cows and little rolling streams crossing the highway.
Our colleagues start shooting tourism questions such as when does the show begin and end, is it tour bus accessible, would non-Christians enjoy it, etc.
It depicts a man in blue with red tights hanging upside down by one foot from a tree, like he got caught on a branch and decided to enjoy the experience.
When they stopped to enjoy lunch, the wife stumbled upon the entrance to the cave.
After we hung up, I walked over to the Pick-Me-Up Diner to enjoy lunch with my sister.
I wanted to enjoy a nice meal and examine the place on my own, he blurted out to everyone that I was there on assignment so every member of the restaurant visited our table.