English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "detention" ni kitendo cha kumweka mtu kizuizini au hali ya kuzuiliwa, hasa chini ya masharti maalum. Inaweza pia kurejelea kufungiwa kwa mtu au kikundi cha watu, kwa kawaida na mamlaka, kwa muda. Zaidi ya hayo, inaweza kurejelea kitendo cha kumshikilia mtu au kitu, au kuchelewesha maendeleo au harakati zake.

Sentence Examples

  1. We are not allowed to visit him there, for he is under disciplinary detention.
  2. Sort of the Powell Doctrine applied to patrol-level detection and detention.
  3. The elevator doors closed and he pressed the button for the fifth floor of the detention center.
  4. A loser named Bart who spent most of his afternoons in detention walked up and joined them.
  5. The office at the detention center was comfortable, though not so well appointed as his office in the Capital District.
  6. Halfway through last year a teacher was found dead in his classroom and he was last seen in detention with Simone, alone.