English to swahili meaning of

Ufafanuzi wa kamusi wa neno "muumba" ni:(nomino) mtu au kitu kinacholeta kitu kuwepo; mtu anayevumbua au kuzalisha kitu fulani, hasa kipya.Neno “muumba” linaweza kumaanisha mtu ambaye ana uwezo au uwezo wa kutengeneza kitu bila kitu, au mtu anayechukua nyenzo au mawazo yaliyopo na kuyachanganya kwa njia mpya na asilia. Katika muktadha wa kidini, "muumba" anaweza kurejelea mungu au mamlaka ya juu zaidi inayoaminika kuwa ndiyo iliyoleta ulimwengu.

Sentence Examples

  1. And even then, only if it could be shown that the creator made the switch.
  2. It is applied in cases where its creator did not give relevant information.
  3. This First Man became our ancestor, and, like his creator, this man became the curious seeker, the constant questioner, whom the older and wiser gods found to be so much of a nuisance.
  4. It would appear that the God or Creator of our understanding has created a variety and richness in our world, and would be pleased that we choose to undertake a spiritual journey at all, rather than decide only one way is correct.
  5. It also revolves around invisible connections and a desire for understanding and growing our relationship with our creator.
  6. Despite following the practices of my mentors and the words of God, the Creator .
  7. This action does not follow the Paladins of Zeal code of morality that the Creator has given us.
  8. During the time Uncas was making this disposition of his forces, the woods were as still, and, with the exception of those who had met in council, apparently as much untenanted as when they came fresh from the hands of their Almighty Creator.
  9. It can hardly be to discredit him since no one else knows the identity of the creator.
  10. As to Sancho, it is plain, from the concluding words of the preface to the First Part, that he was a favourite with his creator even before he had been taken into favour by the public.