English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "cordon" ni safu ya watu au vitu vilivyowekwa kuzunguka eneo ili kuzuia ufikiaji au kuonyesha mpaka. Inaweza pia kurejelea kamba ya mapambo au utepe, au safu ya kamba au waya zinazotumiwa kwa usaidizi au kuweka alama kwenye eneo. Zaidi ya hayo, "cordon" inaweza kutumika kama kitenzi kuelezea kitendo cha kuunda mpaka au mstari kuzunguka kitu fulani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I had a notion that the cordon was still tight round the glen, and that if I walked in any direction I should meet with questioners.
  2. The young Finn was standing close to the security cordon guarding the passage the big man was going to take through the centre of the stadium.
  3. It appeared that he had some small chance of escaping the cordon of his foes now.
  4. He parked, squeezed his way through the nosey crowd, and soon arrived at the police cordon.
  5. Graham Jones, a representative from FirstGroup, was doing his best to dodge a volley of questions from reporters skirting the cordon.
  6. My enemies had located me, and the next thing would be a cordon round me.
  7. Tempted as he was to duck under the cordon and find out the latest from Dr Wisdom, he decided to wait till morning.
  8. I met Roger Gorman at the edge of the cordon, in the courtyard below the charred ruins.
  9. One plucky reporter almost dragged him back under the cordon.
  10. I heard the king say the other day that he should like to see you wear the grand cordon of St.