English to swahili meaning of

Kulingana na Kamusi ya Kiingereza ya Oxford, nomino "msafishaji" inaweza kuwa na maana kadhaa:Mtu au mashine inayosafisha kitu, hasa mtu ambaye kazi yake ni kusafisha majengo au vyumba.Kitu kinachotumika kusafisha, kama vile sabuni au kutengenezea.Kifaa au kifaa kinachotumika kusafisha, kama vile kisafishaji cha sakafu> kisafishaji cha sakafu, kama vile kisafishaji cha sakafu> kisafishaji cha kemikali. kama wakala wa kusafisha madini au wakala wa kusafisha katika utengenezaji wa dawa.Kivumishi "kisafishaji" kwa ujumla kinamaanisha kitu kisicho na uchafu, alama, au vitu visivyohitajika, au ambacho kimesafishwa au kusafishwa. Kwa mfano, "hewa safi" inarejelea hewa ambayo imesafishwa kutokana na uchafuzi wa mazingira.

Sentence Examples

  1. It can be sprayed out with window cleaner, blasted up in a rocket ship, shoved in a drawer, buried into the ground, or written on a piece of paper and crunched in your hand.
  2. He was much happier when I took the job of cleaner of a holiday let in Punta Mujeres.
  3. Ariana got the large glass jar of floor cleaner out from under the kitchen cabinet.
  4. As they got farther into the woods, and farther away from the manor, the air grew cleaner, its dance upon her face like angels caressing her.
  5. However, it seemed cleaner, neater, and sometimes more modern than many others we had visited.
  6. He still slept, covers pulled high over his head, but his room looked a little cleaner than the day before.
  7. She returns with her sketchbook, in cleaner hands, and shares it with Jack.
  8. Between sips of gin, it occurred that vultures made a cleaner living than I did.
  9. It would be cleaner to draw pistols and have it done.
  10. He took out a bottle of cream glass cleaner and set about removing every last trace of the word.