English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "churning" ni kuchafuka au kukoroga kwa nguvu, kusababisha kitu kisogee kwa mwendo wa duara, au kutoa kitu kwa kukoroga au msukosuko unaoendelea. Inaweza pia kutaja mchakato wa kutengeneza siagi kwa kutetereka au kupiga cream. Katika muktadha wa biashara, "churning" inaweza kurejelea mazoezi ya kurudia kununua na kuuza hisa au uwekezaji mwingine ili kutoa kamisheni kwa wakala, mara nyingi kwa gharama ya mapato ya uwekezaji ya mteja. Zaidi ya hayo, "churning" inaweza kutumika kuelezea hali ambayo idadi kubwa ya wateja huacha biashara na kubadilishwa na wateja wapya, mara nyingi kutokana na kutoridhika na bidhaa au huduma za kampuni.


  1. churned-up

Sentence Examples

  1. The Seidr fused itself to the elements, until it lost itself inside the Earth, becoming a part of it, flowing with the waters, churning with the soils, and riding on the wind through the air.
  2. Mildred offered peach pie and coffee, which were impossible to refuse, even though my stomach was churning.
  3. Some locals, craving time to relax in a place far from the invasion, have reoccupied the once abandoned village of Tenesar, no more than a cluster of rundown buildings fronting the churning ocean of the northwest coast, and surrounded by malpais.
  4. Red combines in the fields rotating, churning chaff into the air.
  5. The car shot from the curb with a small squeal, the engine churning.
  6. He felt the tentacle and the machine behind it churning through ways to make him understand.
  7. It was all just a bunch of vague words next to pictures of dirty churning machines run by guys hidden in white hazmat gear.
  8. His heart remained in his throat, his stomach churning.
  9. The truck plowed through the headstones and memorials, churning them to rubble under the heavy tires.
  10. Bullets chipped the floor and walls, fragments of construction churning to dust in the air.