English to swahili meaning of

Ufafanuzi wa kamusi ya "mng'ao" ni ubora au hali ya kuwa angavu, ambayo inarejelea kiasi au ukubwa wa mwanga au rangi iliyopo katika kitu fulani. Inaweza pia kurejelea ubora wa kuwa mchangamfu, mchangamfu, au mwenye akili. Zaidi ya hayo, "mwangaza" unaweza kurejelea mpangilio au marekebisho ya kiwango cha mwanga kinachotolewa na kifaa kama vile skrini au taa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their hair, that in its golden brightness vied with the beams of the sun itself, fell loose upon their shoulders and was crowned with garlands twined with green laurel and red everlasting and their years to all appearance were not under fifteen nor above eighteen.
  2. Then the single flame enveloping him brightened to pure white, filling the room with such brightness it made even the sunniest day look dim.
  3. Gwen yelped again as she saw the creature in the full brightness of the torch.
  4. Wincing at the brightness, I made my way to the stairs.
  5. They still seemed interested in the pursuit, but moved cautiously as the brightness of the torch stung their eyes.
  6. Still it seems to me that translation from one language into another, if it be not from the queens of languages, the Greek and the Latin, is like looking at Flemish tapestries on the wrong side for though the figures are visible, they are full of threads that make them indistinct, and they do not show with the smoothness and brightness of the right side and translation from easy languages argues neither ingenuity nor command of words, any more than transcribing or copying out one document from another.
  7. My eyes struggled to adjust to the brightness outside.
  8. I could envision the beauty, the brightness, the thrill of discovery all over again.
  9. The door opened behind him, letting in a stream of brightness.
  10. A distant flash of brightness in the sky was followed by a clap of thunder.