English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "ujasiri" ni onyesho la ujasiri au ujasiri, ambalo mara nyingi hulengwa kuwavutia au kuwatisha wengine, lakini ambalo linaweza kuwa si la kweli au lenye msingi wa ushujaa halisi. Inaweza pia kurejelea onyesho la uwongo au lililotiwa chumvi la kujiamini au ukaidi wakati wa hatari au dhiki.


  1. bluster

Sentence Examples

  1. With a flashing smile of sheer bravado, and the charm and grace of a skilled courtier, Jojin Bok was never without feminine company when he so desired.
  2. Whether due to empty bravado or true courage, Calder could not be sure, but it was time to separate the true rebels from those who were just putting on a show for him and his men.
  3. She has a sharp wit is courageous devoid of bravado sips champagne without getting hiccups and I have witnessed a quiet disagreement with a most cantankerous man who lost his point then thanked her for a charming evening.
  4. Despite his bravado, she noticed his hands shaking the tiniest bit.
  5. The viceroy, however, begged him earnestly not to hang them, as their behaviour savoured rather of madness than of bravado.
  6. You think you carry it off very well, I dare say, but with you it is a sort of bravado, an air of affected unconcern I always observe it whenever I meet you under those circumstances.
  7. So far did his unparalleled madness go but the noble lion, more courteous than arrogant, not troubling himself about silly bravado, after having looked all round, as has been said, turned about and presented his hind-quarters to Don Quixote, and very coolly and tranquilly lay down again in the cage.
  8. But Anne quickly saw past the bravado, and the very real, very scared young girl emerged in front of her eyes.
  9. My bravado drained out of me, and I sank to the floor, resting my back against the cold, metal wall of the closet.
  10. Behind her false bravado and anger, she was terrified.