English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "blessedly" ni "kwa njia ya bahati au furaha, kufurahia au kuonyesha furaha au kuridhika." Ni kielezi kinachotumiwa kuelezea kitu ambacho kinachukuliwa kuwa cha bahati sana au cha kuhitajika, mara nyingi kuashiria hisia ya shukrani au kitulizo. Kwa mfano, "Baada ya siku nyingi kazini, nyumba yangu ilikuwa tulivu."

Sentence Examples

  1. Ilse could find no retort, so she remained blessedly silent.
  2. Aidos guided them around the gardens, blessedly far from the crunch of people, then paused beneath a cypress tree, kicking off her sandals as she slumped down into the loam.
  3. That the bleating of lambs is cut short, Of those who once were blessedly enclosed in sheepfolds From which arose the delightful sounds of churning.
  4. If he had heard their conversation, he opted to remain blessedly silent on the matter.
  5. The room was blessedly dim as she peeled her eyes open and carefully looked around.
  6. Once finally, blessedly free, he followed the bubbles toward the surface.
  7. By three-thirty, Volders stood and it was finally, blessedly over.
  8. She stood, pale and shocky but blessedly uninjured, holding onto one wrought-iron arm rest for support.