English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "bora" ni kitendo au mchakato wa kuboresha kitu au kukifanya kiwe bora. Inaweza kurejelea aina mbalimbali za maboresho, kama vile kuboresha ubora, hali au thamani ya kitu, au kukifanya kiwe na ufanisi zaidi au faafu zaidi. Uboreshaji pia unaweza kurejelea uboreshaji mahususi unaofanywa kwa mali au kipande cha ardhi, mara nyingi kwa madhumuni ya kuongeza thamani au manufaa yake. Kwa ujumla, neno "bora" linamaanisha mabadiliko chanya au maendeleo kuelekea matokeo yanayotarajiwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The nature of Dwarves meant they automatically did things for the betterment of all.
  2. I would, however, like to see him work for the betterment of this colony for a change.
  3. Ariane had seen that same look before, when her father had been forced to make other unpleasant decisions for the betterment of his subjects as a whole.