English to swahili meaning of

Neno "Angelus" lina maana chache tofauti, kulingana na muktadha. Hapa kuna ufafanuzi wa kawaida zaidi:Swala: Malaika ni sala ya kimapokeo ya Kikristo ambayo inasemwa mara tatu kila siku (asubuhi, adhuhuri, na jioni) ili kuadhimisha Matamshi, Umwilisho, na Ufufuo wa Yesu Kristo. Sala hiyo ni ya Salamu Maria watatu, iliyounganishwa kwa aya na majibu.Kengele: Katika baadhi ya makanisa, kengele ya Angelus inapigwa mara tatu kwa siku ili kuashiria wakati wa sala ya Angelus.Mchoro: "The Angelus" ni mchoro maarufu wa msanii wa Kifaransa Jean-Francois depics the Millet's mbili ya Millet wakati Angelus akisali kwenye Millet. mandharinyuma.

Sentence Examples

  1. The crowd awaiting the chance to partake in the Valentino seance made the place reminiscent of Angelus Temple, only the Knickerbocker congregation wore jewels, feathers, lace, silks, and hand-woven shawls from the orient.
  2. They arrived at Echo Park and secured the boat before the first service at Angelus Temple let out, at which time a line would form at the dock.
  3. The city maintenance station was a dirt lot, a gang of trucks, and a shed, on Glendale about a half mile past Angelus Temple.
  4. He turned from Angelus Temple, gazed around the park for the scene of the lynching, and saw what he imagined was the hanging tree.
  5. Sixty TOM and Florence arrived an hour early for the Angelus Temple service.
  6. Thirty-five THE Glendale Boulevard line carried Tom, a mob of regular folks, a few lost souls, and a troop of smiley tourists on their way to a healing service at Angelus Temple.
  7. From up there with binoculars she could spy on Angelus Temple.