English to swahili meaning of

Kama nomino, "ufikiaji" unaweza kumaanisha:Uwezo, haki, au ruhusa ya kukaribia, kuingia, au kutumia kitu fulani.Njia au fursa ya kukaribia au kuingiza kitu.Njia ya kupata au kurejesha taarifa au data.Kitendo au mchakato wa kuingia au uandikishaji.Inaweza kumaanisha access. kupata au kurejesha taarifa au data.Ili kupata kuingia au kukubaliwa kwa jambo fulani.Kukaribia au kuingia mahali au mfumo.Ili kuwasiliana na mtu, kwa kawaida kwa madhumuni ya kupata au kutoa taarifa au usaidizi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Facial recognition has helped our operations, although a few people have gotten in without proper access.
  2. For now, those in wheelchairs have no access and they are working on that, they say.
  3. I needed to get access to the computer system to find out if Abby had entered grades for any of the students.
  4. I can drive you there, and I have authorised access to Central any time.
  5. This was offworld tech with restricted access, advanced enough to simulate virtually any situation and with total sensory immersion.
  6. Top of my list was Valeria, one of the few worlds which was similar enough to Earth to be easy access for Ambassadors.
  7. The windows facing the street are shuttered, and the only access around the back is through the front yard gates, which are always padlocked.
  8. To stop this he had to cut off the gateway allowing them access to Veneseron.
  9. When the mouse returns, she places my arms on the table, palms up, and rearranges the sheets for easy access to my body feeling as tight as the moment I heard the levees pop.
  10. The college severely lacked access to the latest library hardware and software.