English to somali meaning of

Qeexida qaamuuska ereyga "deked-badeed" waa deked ama magaalo bixisa tas-hiilaadka maraakiibta ay ku dajiyaan kana dejiyaan shixnadaha iyo rakaabka. Dekeddu waxay caadi ahaan ku taal meel xeeb ah ama afkeeda webi halkaas oo ay badda ka gasho, waxayna u adeegtaa marin u ah ganacsiga iyo ganacsiga u dhexeeya gobollo ama dalal kala duwan. Dekaduhu waxa ay yeelan karaan tas-hiilaad kala duwan sida dekedaha, mareenada, meelaha laga soo galo, bakhaarrada, wiishashka, iyo xafiisyada kastamka si ay u qabtaan rarista iyo dejinta badeecadaha iyo habaynta dukumentiyada la xidhiidha ganacsiga caalamiga ah.


  1. harbor
  2. harbour
  3. haven

Sentence Examples

  1. Longfellow Jim, as some called him because of his enormous height, was traipsing around my seaport when I was at the age of sixteen.
  2. There is not one seaport in the whole kingdom and those parts of the coasts into which the rivers issue, are so full of pointed rocks, and the sea generally so rough, that there is no venturing with the smallest of their boats so that these people are wholly excluded from any commerce with the rest of the world.
  3. Over the next six days, he led them through a series of villages way up to the far north west of the country to the seaport of Westsea.
  4. Huge shuttle facilities and a large seaport enabled tubes to be moved to and from the facility by air and sea.
  5. The farmlands that layout across the fields and the massive military fort attached to the landside of the city opposite to the seaport.
  6. This section replicated the shops one would see at an old Caribbean seaport.