English to somali meaning of

Erayga "ruck" waxa uu leeyahay dhawr macne oo qaamuus ah oo ku xidhan macnaha guud ee loo isticmaalo. Waa kuwan qeexitaanno kooban: Tusaale: Tamashlaha waxa uu ku qasbanaaday in uu ka dul fuulo dhagaxyo dhagaxyo ah si uu u gaadho meesha ugu saraysa. qoob-ka-cayaar, maul, ama qaab kale oo ciyaarta rugby ama kubbadda cagta Mareykanka Tusaale: Ciyaarta ayaa ahayd mid ay labada kooxoodba si adag ugu dagaalameen, balse kooxda guriga ayaa ugu danbayn ku guulaysatay kubbada cagta. Tusaale: Labbiskeeda ayaa dhexda ka ruxay markay xayndaabka ka kor martay. Tusaale: Labada wiil waxay isku dhaceen goobta ciyaarta ilaa uu macalinku soo dhexgalay. .


  1. herd

Sentence Examples

  1. Ruck dove into the front seat and went to work on a panel of knobs, twisting and turning things underneath with a large, round tool.
  2. Ruck slammed a pole in the center console forward.
  3. Ruck swung his small body underneath the base of the tentacle and set to work.
  4. Sciana and Ruck both turned around, covering their eyes.
  5. They crossed between the fallen statues into a Trajan mausoleum, not unlike the graveyard Janis had originally chased Ruck into back at the village.
  6. Ruck looked at her, scared but also disappointed, as though the game was now up, but he still wanted to play.
  7. He could hear Ruck and Sciana talking, but as if they were leagues away.
  8. Ruck jumped down onto the metal of the chassis, causing the shell to shake.
  9. Ruck ran ahead of the two of them, and she passed him without looking at him.
  10. Ruck muttered to himself about how they were crazy.