English to somali meaning of

Macnaha qaamuuska ereyga "pendulum" waa miisaan laga hakiyay xudunta si uu si xor ah ugu lulo hor iyo dib iyadoo uu saameeyay cufisjiidadka. Pendulum waxaa inta badan loo adeegsadaa aaladaha waqti-haynta, sida saacadaha iyo metronome-yada, si loo habeeyo socodka wakhtiga. Dhaqdhaqaaqa pendulum waa mid xilliyeed, waxaana lagu maamulaa shuruucda fiisigiska, gaar ahaan sharciyada dhaqdhaqaaqa iyo culeyska. Macnaha maldahan, ereyga "pendulum" waxa kale oo loo isticmaali karaa in lagu qeexo xaalad kasta ama ifafaale kasta oo u kala wareegaya hor iyo dib inta u dhaxaysa laba daraf.

Sentence Examples

  1. The pendulum beat the seconds, which each player eagerly counted, as he listened, with mathematical regularity.
  2. Since I seemed to be alone for the moment, I pulled the fluorite pendulum from my pocket and paused on the path, letting it dangle in front of me.
  3. The pendulum swung from my hand, pulling me toward the south.
  4. The pendulum still tugged at my hand, pulling me toward the south.
  5. For a few seconds, I stood there, the pendulum dangling from my hand.
  6. It took more than five years for the wildly swinging pendulum of normalcy to find balance on its newly fashioned scale.
  7. Both items in hand, I walked over to the dining room table and spread the cloth out on it, then waited for a moment, the fluorite pendulum clutched in one palm in order to pick up more of its vibrations.
  8. Her lips were slightly parted, and her breast rose and fell with the regularity of a pendulum.
  9. The pendulum stopped then, hanging still above the printed mat I used for divinations.
  10. I set the pendulum down on the tabletop, then hurried back to my office.