English to somali meaning of

Qeexida qaamuuska ereyga "buur" waa kor u kac weyn oo dabiici ah oo ah oogada dhulka oo si lama filaan ah uga soo kacaysa heerka ku xeeran; sare, sare sare, tiir, ama haybad. Caadi ahaan way ka sarraysaa oo way ka adag tahay kurta oo badiyaa waxay leedahay shir madaxeed aad u cad. Buuruhu way le'eg yihiin laga bilaabo buuro yaryar ilaa kuwa dhaadheer sida Mount Everest, waxaana laga heli karaa qaarad kasta oo dhulka ah. Buuruhu waxay inta badan door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan juquraafiga, dhaqanka, iyo deegaanka, iyagoo siinaya degaanno loogu talagalay noocyada dhirta iyo xayawaanka gaarka ah, ilaha biyaha, iyo fursadaha madadaalada.


  1. mount

Sentence Examples

  1. Off to the right a stone wall rises up the mountain and in its center a hole about four feet by four feet.
  2. An afternoon of mountain biking or a few hours on your own to visit shops and cafes?
  3. The trees waved at us with their new green leaves while the mountain vista rolled on forever.
  4. Finally, I spot the photo I took of the box cave in the side of the mountain, the one located by Eureka Lake.
  5. Countless lumps of rock were spread around the area, growing larger in size the closer they got to the humongous mountain range.
  6. The pregnant pause has birthed into a silent baby and no one says a word on the drive up the mountain to our hotel.
  7. That reporter from the Mountain Weekly, Tony somebody, even stopped by and ran a story in the newspaper.
  8. The Ozark mountain air must be helping for my waves of hair appear almost normal.
  9. Sure, he still ran in circles when I brushed against his old leash hanging in the coat closet, but otherwise, he was officially a mountain dog.
  10. The real artwork lay outside, through an oversized window facing the mountain vista behind her house.

TV Series Examples



There are no mountain lions