English to somali meaning of

Magac ahaan, ereyga “wasiir” waxa uu leeyahay macnayaal qaamuus oo dhawr ah, oo ay ka mid yihiin:Qofka loo idmaday gudashada waajibaadka diiniga ah, gaar ahaan xubin ka mid ah culimada. > Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan dowladda oo mas'uul ka ah aag gaar ah oo siyaasad ah ama maamul, sida wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ama wasiir caafimaad. qof u tagaa baahiyaha dadka kale , sida daryeel bixiye ama adeege.

Sentence Examples

  1. It is believed the crisis has originated somewhere in western Europe and prime minister Carl Longwood states the crisis may have completely overwhelmed Europe.
  2. Over a fireplace hung a damned near life-sized painting of the minister.
  3. Somewhere in the background a minister was delivering a fire and brimstone message which I was dreamily happy to ignore.
  4. To have a man like that in place as the de facto minister of state provided a block against many of the self-seeking members of the Privy Council.
  5. Then there were speeches by the acting prime minister, the minister of Industry and Employment, and finally the keynote speech by the businesswoman of the year from South Africa.
  6. You shall be avenged in turn for not one of them but shall minister to your needs.
  7. Just that the big-shot minister had relieved him of his duties.
  8. The living and breathing minister was somewhere within preparing his sermon for the listening faithful.
  9. However, no one had to be quieted when the minister of Industry and Employment was speaking.