English to somali meaning of

Dhagax limestone waa magac tilmaamaya dhagax sedimentary ah oo ka kooban calcium carbonate (CaCO3) oo ah qaabka calcite macdanta. Waxay inta badan ka kooban tahay macdano kale iyo wasakh, sida dhoobo, dhoobo, iyo walxo dabiici ah. Dhagaxa limestone waxa uu ka yimaadaa ururinta fossils badeedka, shacaab, qolof, iyo walxo kale oo calcium qani ku ah muddo dheer. midabyo kala duwan oo jaale ah, brown, iyo xitaa madow. Waxaa caadi ahaan loo isticmaalaa sida qalab dhisme waxaana si weyn looga shaqeeyaa warshadaha dhismaha ee soo saarista sibidhka, shubka, iyo isku geynta. Dhagaxa limestone waxa kale oo loo isticmaalaa samaynta lime, sida qulqulka birta, iyo sida qaboojiyaha carrada ee beeraha. iyo adkeysiga. Dabeecaddeeda daloola waxay u ogolaataa in si fudud loo xardho oo loo qaabeeyo, taas oo ka dhigaysa doorasho caan ah oo loogu talagalay farshaxannada iyo taalloyinka. Dhagaxa limestone waxa laga helaa gobolo badan oo aduunka ah waxana uu kaalin mug leh ka qaataa codsiyada kala duwan ee warshadaha, ganacsiga iyo farshaxanka.

Sentence Examples

  1. These were some of the older houses, almost Cape Cod-like, with green shutters and slate dormers, perched up on the craggy limestone bluffs overlooking the river.
  2. Accessories, furniture, and décor dressed the limestone cave, making it into a proper home.
  3. Actually beautiful, if you were only visiting one of the picturesque shops and bakeries downtown, or looking down from the limestone bluffs at the slow-rolling Mississippi.
  4. Stout walls of hard limestone gleamed in the sunlight, thick and strong to behold, dotted with numerous towers.
  5. Kallan gasped this time and studied the limestone tips above her as her body shook against the pain she could no longer feel.
  6. Then he remembered the effect on him when he exposed the limestone.
  7. Nestled along the limestone bluffs of the Mississippi, so safe and secure.
  8. Statues carved from limestone and ebony alabaster and great white pillars adorned every hall.
  9. A limestone facade mined from local Betscha quarries in the 1870s covered all three stories of the impressive building.
  10. It was enough to outline a pillar of limestone that had not been there before and, at once, she saw it and understood.