English to somali meaning of

Erayga "lev" maaha kelmad Ingiriisi oo caadi ah, sidaa awgeed, ma laha qeexid qaamuus caadi ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, "lev" wuxuu noqon karaa soo gaabinta ama kelmad ku qoran luqad kale oo macne gaar ah leh. Haddii aad bixiso macnaha guud ama macluumaadka ku saabsan isticmaalka gaarka ah ee "lev," waxa laga yaabaa inaan ku sii caawiyo.

Sentence Examples

  1. And to Dave and Aryeh Lev for your endless patience, love, and confidence.
  2. He and his wife Chana live in the eclectic Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem, where they homeschool their son, Aryeh Lev.
  3. Lev, did it sound to you as though he was planning to lead the people against the Queen?
  4. My son Aryeh Lev, with his love of stories and desire to deepen his understanding, was a constant source of motivation.