English to somali meaning of

Sharci dejiye waa qofka sameeya ama dejiyaa sharciyo, sida caadiga ah xubin ka tirsan hay'adaha sharci dejinta, sida baarlamaanka, shirweynaha, ama golaha. Sharci-dejiyahu waxa uu soo jeedin karaa, ka doodi karaa, una codayn karaa hindise-sharciyeedyo iyo go'aanno, iyo sidoo kale kormeerida fulinta sharciyada iyo siyaasadda.

Sentence Examples

  1. For eighteen hundred years, though perchance I have no right to say it, the New Testament has been written yet where is the legislator who has wisdom and practical talent enough to avail himself of the light which it sheds on the science of legislation.
  2. In the course of their conversation they fell to discussing what they call State-craft and systems of government, correcting this abuse and condemning that, reforming one practice and abolishing another, each of the three setting up for a new legislator, a modern Lycurgus, or a brand-new Solon and so completely did they remodel the State, that they seemed to have thrust it into a furnace and taken out something quite different from what they had put in and on all the subjects they dealt with, Don Quixote spoke with such good sense that the pair of examiners were fully convinced that he was quite recovered and in his full senses.