English to somali meaning of

Qeexitaanka qaamuuska "faleebo" waa ficilka ama habka lagu qooyo walaxda (sida shaaha ama dhirta) biyaha ama dareeraha kale si loo soo saaro dhadhankeeda ama sifooyinka daaweynta. Waxay sidoo kale tixraaci kartaa dareeraha ka soo baxa habkan. Macnaha ballaadhan, "faleebo" waxa kale oo ay tilmaami kartaa soo bandhigida curiye cusub ama saamayn shay, sida maalgalinta ganacsiga oo la galiyay ama fikrado cusub la galiyay dood.

Sentence Examples

  1. A huge infusion of cash and support is bound to come from the Ministry.
  2. Any skilled Field Binder can tell you that living tissue will not accept an Infusion, but Bendarian insisted on trying anyway.
  3. The Infusion she had placed within the metal would only take kinetic energy from objects that were coming toward her.
  4. The overwhelming scent of crushed sage filled the room from the broken crate that had been packed with bottles of infusion oils.
  5. Make an infusion of rhubarb leaves, hemlock, nightshade.
  6. To them, this meant getting an equity infusion from a new partner, preferably someone from the industry who would take an active role in management.