English to somali meaning of

Erayga "gacan" waa qaabkii hore ee fal-ka-qaybgalka "gacan," kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka gudbinta, bixinta, ama u gudbinta qof isticmaalaya gacantiisa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, "gacanta" waxay sidoo kale u shaqayn kartaa sife ahaan xaaladaha qaarkood. Waa kuwan macnayaasha qaamuuska ee "gacan" ee labada nooc:Sida ka qayb-gal hore (qaab fal):In qof gacantiisa wax la siiyo ama loo gudbiyo . Tusaale: "Waxay ii dhiibtay buuggii." Tusaale: "Iyadu waa gacan midig."Waxaa loo adeegsaday in lagu qeexo jihada ama dhinaca hab-dhaqanka qofka, dhaqdhaqaaqiisa, ama ficilkiisa. Tusaale: "Wuxuu qaatay lulaan gacanta bidix."Waxaa loo adeegsaday in lagu qeexo xaalad ama hawl u baahan nooc gaar ah oo xirfad ama khibrad ah. Tusaale: "Waa gitaar-gacan-bidix adag."

Sentence Examples

  1. A few minutes later, Striker left his seat and handed me his quiz.
  2. As I pictured the possibilities, she handed me the microphone.
  3. To my surprise, Ms Weston handed me her weapon and backed off, allowing me to take the attack.
  4. As she attempted to keep calm, Casselle handed out wooden swords.
  5. Accepting the cup he handed her, she wrapped her hands around it, warming them.
  6. I caught them by the laces and handed them to Ada.
  7. A recent six-figure donation was carelessly handed over to Grey Sports Complex for improving the technology infrastructure of the athletic facility, returfing the baseball field, and securing a modern bus for the players traveling to opposing teams.
  8. Sliding a dark brown leather tome from her pack, she handed it over to him.
  9. I organized my approach before he walked back and handed me my paperwork.
  10. After Lorraine led him to a nearby bench, he handed her the schedule and talked for ten minutes.