English to somali meaning of

Magac ahaan, filtarku waa aalad ama aalad ka saarta wasakhda ama walxaha aan la rabin shay, sida dareere, gaas, ama iftiin. Fal ahaan, shaandhayntu waxay la macno tahay in shay la dhex maro shaandhada, ama shay laga saaro walxaha aan la rabin. Waxa kale oo ay la macno noqon kartaa in si tartiib tartiib ah wax loo maro, ama si tartiib tartiib ah loo dhex maro shay si loo gaaro meel gaar ah. Intaa waxaa dheer, cilmiga kumbuyuutarka, shaandheyntu waxay tixraaci kartaa barnaamij ama kood dooranaya ama ka saaraya xog gaar ah oo ku saleysan shuruudo gaar ah.

Sentence Examples

  1. In each home would have been a stone water filter.
  2. I needed to work on that filter between my brain and my mouth.
  3. I know that there are times old men tend to forget to filter their words, but considering his ties with old Mr.
  4. I pulled out the basket, and noted the lack of a filter.
  5. I had my first full look at his face without the filter of a magazine page or television screen.
  6. Complementary but disjoint thoughts filter through my mind.
  7. I might have my mouth filter on, but my texting fingers are itching.
  8. I have no filter the words go straight from my brain and out my mouth.
  9. The forest was still dim, but the rose hints of dawn had begun to filter gray through the branches above us.
  10. After rinsing the basket I plopped in a filter, then I located a mixing bowl in one of the cabinets.