English to somali meaning of

Macnaha qaamuuska ereyga "dhaqaale" waxa uu la xidhiidha si hufan oo taxaddar leh oo loo isticmaalo kheyraadka, gaar ahaan ilaha dhaqaalaha. Waxa lagu qeexi karaa sidan: taasoo khusaysa wax-soo-saarka, qaybinta, iyo isticmaalka badeecadaha iyo adeegyada bulsho ama bulsho gaar ah. .

Sentence Examples

  1. No one from the Lower District stood a chance of living in the High District only the most economically sound vazeleads resided there.
  2. He wanted to get the small farmers to organize into associations or cooperatives with centralized milk collection centers to reduce costs and allow the producers to economically collect their milk.
  3. The death rate from AIDS was of great concern to the government since it typically killed young adults in their most economically productive years and often left orphans behind.