English to somali meaning of

Qeexida qaamuuska ereyga "cudur" waa cillad ama xaalad aan caadi ahayn oo ku jirta noolaha taas oo saamaysa hawlaheeda jireed ama maskaxeed oo inta badan lala xiriiriyo calaamado gaar ah ama calaamado. Cudurrada waxaa sababi kara arrimo kala duwan sida hidde-sideyaasha, caabuqyada, arrimaha deegaanka, iyo doorashada qaab nololeedka. Tusaalooyinka cudurrada qaarkood waxaa ka mid ah kansarka, cudurrada wadnaha, sonkorowga, iyo cudurka Alzheimers.

Sentence Examples

  1. God knows how many people have been affected by the disease in the hospital.
  2. If the disease had spread the entire length of the bridge then the batch that had wandered in from the motorway turn-off was the least of the towns worries.
  3. Would the town survive the night or would the disease sweep through town and kill everyone?
  4. Otherwise the disease would-be all-over town in a short while.
  5. He panicked the disease could take him any minute.
  6. They needed face masks the disease was best not ingested accidentally.
  7. Whatever mysterious disease was coursing through his veins, it made him feel ten time stronger than usual.
  8. He could not stop the disease that had killed her, but he could help prevent the deaths of the people in the church.
  9. Not wise if the disease had spread to main street.
  10. The disease was rancid and stung his nose with each breath.