English to somali meaning of

Sida laga soo xigtay Qaamuuska Ingiriisiga Oxford, ereyga "Crowd" waxaa lagu qeexi karaa tiro badan oo dad ah oo isugu soo baxay meel fagaare ah, sida caadiga ah qaab aan caadi ahayn ama qaab fowdo ah. Waxa kale oo ay tilmaami kartaa koox dad ah oo wadaaga dano guud ama dhamaantood isku dayaya in ay sameeyaan wax la mid ah, sida dad badan oo wax ka iibsanaya meel wax lagu iibinayo ama taageerayaal badan oo jooga goobta ciyaaraha. Intaa waxaa dheer, "ciriiri" waxaa loo isticmaali karaa fal si loo qeexo ficilka dadku isugu yimaadaan si ciriiri ah, sida "daawadeyaasha ayaa ku soo xoomay masraxa si ay u helaan aragti wanaagsan."

Sentence Examples

  1. I found the strength to join Dean Terry, and together we marched up the stage steps and faced the crowd.
  2. I followed Connor down the back steps to avoid the crowd assembling on the first floor of Diamond Hall.
  3. I crossed the car park quickly, in time to see a pale-looking supervisor raise his communicator and project his voice across the crowd.
  4. I made for a main road, weaving in and out of the crowd, and veering into a side street alongside a hover-car transit point.
  5. By the time I arrived at The Big Beanery at a quarter to six, the daytime crowd had dissipated.
  6. The Bears had won both of their games so far this season, and the crowd was intense with excitement.
  7. I could see the carnage from the battle even from here, a crowd gathering around the hunched, scaly body of the wyvern.
  8. I looked up at Central, where a crowd of people had gathered outside.
  9. Even in the dark, between the fence bars, I could see a crowd had gathered outside the back door.
  10. I tried to locate Lorraine among the crowd, but I only recognized Striker doing intense pull-ups.