English to somali meaning of

Qeexida qaamuuska ereyga "coop" way kala duwan tahay iyadoo lagu saleynayo adeegsigiisa, laakiin waa kuwan macnayaal macquul ah:Magac ahaan, "coop" waxay tixraaci kartaa xero yar oo loogu talagalay digaagga. ama xayawaanka kale ee guriga, sida digaaga digaaga ama bakaylaha. digaagga habeenkii." "Coop" waxay kaloo macnaheedu noqon kartaa in la iska kaashado ama laga wada shaqeeyo, gaar ahaan mashruuc ama hawl, sida "Waan iska kaashanay inaan ku dhameyno warbixinta waqtigii loogu talagalay."Ogsoonow macnaha " coop" sidoo kale way kala duwanaan kartaa iyadoo lagu saleynayo macnaha guud iyo isticmaalka, marka waxaa had iyo jeer fiican inaad la tashato qaamuus ama ilo tixraaceed kale oo lagu kalsoonaan karo si loo xaqiijiyo saxsanaanta.


  1. cage

Sentence Examples

  1. ABOUT TEN THIRTY, Mart arrived with Cate, our friend who ran the art coop.
  2. Doug stepped out from behind the shelter of the coop and threw his grenade in the direction they were going, then ducked back.
  3. On the right were two smaller barns, and a chicken coop.
  4. From the coop he gathered two dozen fresh eggs before heading to the barn.
  5. The zip line extended from the chimney to what looked like an oversized chicken coop about halfway to the tree line.
  6. Beside a group of men pulling calling cards from their vest pockets was a hydraulic elevator that looked just like that elaborate coop.
  7. But her coop was located in the other part of the yard.