English to somali meaning of

Qeexida qaamuuska ereyga "kiliinikada" waa:la xiriira fiirsashada iyo daawaynta bukaanada dhabta ah halkii ay ka ahaan lahaayeen xaalado aragti ama tijaabo ah.la xiriira ama iyadoo lagu salaynayo in si toos ah loo eego calaamadaha cudur ama xaalad, halkii laga fiirin lahaa mala-awaal ama aragti. aan shakhsi ahayn ama ka go'ay. aad u ujeeddo iyo waaqici ah; si niyad jab leh u falanqeeya; dareen la'aan xasaasi ah. Kooxda cilmi-baadhistu waxay sameeyeen tijaabo caafimaad si ay u tijaabiyaan waxtarka dawada cusub. Orodyahanku waxa uu muujiyay saxnaan caafimaad oo weyn xagga fulinta maneuverka adag.

Sentence Examples

  1. They are conducting clinical trials to perfect them.
  2. Until Dad died, and my mother fell through the depths of clinical depression and into the life of Stuart Fitzpatrick, dragging me with her.
  3. Richard, remaining sober, and silent, watched and listened with clinical detachment.
  4. But the other students drifted in detached bliss, taking notes or staring with clinical curiosity.
  5. It was only when my clinical tests for STIs and HIV came back negative that I was able to turn the page on this part of my life.
  6. Prominent in the broader mental health stratosphere, any number of six-figure clinical appointments and the notoriety and travel that came with them were hers for the asking.
  7. Harry consoled me on what I must have been through to bring me to this place, to turn me so cold and so clinical.
  8. It was clinical, clean and smelt of plastic as expected for a hospital.