English to somali meaning of

Macnaha qaamuuska ee ereyga "unug" wuu kala duwanaan karaa iyadoo ku xiran hadba macnaha loo isticmaalo. Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah qeexitaannada ugu caansan:Qol ama qol yar, oo inta badan loo isticmaalo xidhitaanka ama kaydinta. Tusaale: Maxbuuska waxa lagu xidhay qol. Tusaale: Dhismuhu waxa uu lahaa unugyo badan oo ujeeddooyin kala duwan u lahaa. xuubabka. Tusaale: Jidhka bini'aadamku waxa uu ka kooban yahay trillion unugyo ah. Tusaale: Kooxdu waxay u wada shaqaynayeen sidii unug si fiican loo saliiday oo kale. Tusaale: Telefoonkaygu wax calaamad ah kuma laha unuggaan. Tusaale: Batarigu waxa uu leeyahay unugyo dhawr ah oo isku xidhan si ay u soo saaraan awood ku filan. xaalado kala duwan.

Sentence Examples

  1. She slunk down on her bed and checked her cell a message and four missed calls from her ex, Ryan, accompanied by two texts from Johnny.
  2. Then Brower rough handled me and practically threw me in this cell.
  3. Everyone is there, save Winnie, huddled in a group off to one side with Henry and Alicia discussing PR things at the bar, cell phones in hand.
  4. But then the blank, starless ceiling of the cell confronted me, and the cold, horrible pressure of the handcuffs on my wrists and ankles returned.
  5. After arriving at the funeral home, I switched off my cell and exited the Jeep.
  6. I pulled out my phone and pressed the button to dial his cell.
  7. While waiting for Eleanor, a woman on a cell phone wandered past me.
  8. We agree to reconnect in the morning and Merrill gives me her cell phone number.
  9. Contemplating the stupidity of boys, Brooke threw her cell back on the bed and turned to her computer, quickly checking her emails.
  10. She had cordless extensions in other parts of the home and her cell phone, but she preferred her kitchen have a touch of the past.

TV Series Examples



Your husband's in a cell



so you throw me into a cell