English to somali meaning of

Macnaha qaamuuska ereyga "abstraction" waa ficilka ama habka wax looga saaro ama laga sooco macnaha asalka ah ama qaabka jireed, ama natiijada habkaas. Waxa kale oo ay tilmaami kartaa tayada la taaban karo ama aragti halkii la taaban karo ama la taaban karo. Farshaxanka ama suugaanta, abstraction-ku waxa loola jeedaa qaab xoogga saaraya qaabka, midabka, iyo hufnaanta halkii ay ka ahaan lahaayeen matalidda walxaha ama muuqaalka dhabta ah ee adduunka. Intaa waxaa dheer, xagga sayniska kombiyuutarka iyo barnaamijka, abstraction-ku waa farsamo loo isticmaalo in lagu fududeeyo nidaamyada adag iyadoo la qarinayo faahfaahinta lana abuurayo matalaad heersare ah oo fudud oo nidaamka.


  1. abstract entity

Sentence Examples

  1. A realm of abstraction where Lethi god-beings dwelled, wizards explored, and the infinite dead and yet-to-be-born swirled in a sea of potentiality.
  2. They might have remained much longer lost in one another, without anyone noticing their abstraction.
  3. Prone, at all times, to abstraction, I readily fell in with his humor and, continuing to occupy our chambers in the Faubourg Saint Germain, we gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams.
  4. Every man has to learn the points of compass again as often as he awakes, whether from sleep or any abstraction.
  5. Being something at all was better than being an abstraction.
  6. The patience and forbearance of Indian fortitude could alone support such an appearance of abstraction, as seemed now to have turned each dark and motionless figure into stone.