English to persian meaning of

کلمه "دهه شصتی" به طور کلی به دهه 1960 اشاره دارد که یک دوره ده ساله بین سال های 1960 و 1969 است. همچنین می تواند به هر چیزی مربوط یا ویژگی آن دهه از جمله فرهنگ، موسیقی، مد آن دهه اشاره کند. ، جنبش های سیاسی و تغییرات اجتماعی.


  1. mid-sixties

Sentence Examples

  1. But no, I had a woman in her sixties named Agnes taking care of me.
  2. But remember, when I trained with him, he was well into his sixties in age.
  3. Sitting with them with a cup of tea at hand, he explained that he was investigating a cold case from the sixties, that it had absolutely nothing to do with them, that it was only the property that needed to be investigated.
  4. In fact, it had warmed up to around the high fifties or low sixties.
  5. There was a small 3x5 picture of a woman who looked to be in her sixties.
  6. But now that I really looked, she appeared to be in her late fifties or early sixties.
  7. I thought the new climate would help Angela move out from beneath the shadow of her depression that took hold when she was retrenched from her job as school secretary in her early sixties.
  8. Cullen guessed the man to be in his early sixties, but he moved like a man half his age.
  9. I remember the computer printouts from the sixties.
  10. He was stuck in his early sixties, with one of those faces that reached peak attractiveness in middle age.