English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "مقدس" یک مکان پناه یا امن است که اغلب یک مکان مقدس یا مقدس است. همچنین می تواند به یک منطقه حفاظت شده برای حیات وحش یا مکانی که در آن شخص یا چیزی محافظت می شود یا تحت درمان ویژه قرار می گیرد اشاره کند. علاوه بر این، می تواند به معنای مکانی باشد که مردم برای جستجوی آرامش یا خلوت به آنجا می روند، مانند یک اتاق آرام یا یک خلوتگاه خصوصی. کلمه "مقدس" همچنین می تواند به صورت استعاری برای اشاره به حالت آرامش و امنیت روانی یا احساسی استفاده شود.


  1. chancel
  2. bema

Sentence Examples

  1. Steel tipped, the wooden shaft loosed from the bow flew with deadly accuracy and tore into her neck as the mare turned her proud head towards the sanctuary of the trees.
  2. I walk through the village of abandoned homes and holiday houses bidding a silent farewell to my lonely sanctuary.
  3. Two riders, parted by some distance, appeared and turned to converge on the deer as it sped off into the slight valley, trying to make it to the sanctuary of the trees on the opposite slope.
  4. Feet were running on the ochre floor tiles, men were trying to find sanctuary inside its solid stone walls.
  5. In a sudden burst of determination, I grab the weapon and leave the sanctuary of the hut and hobble around the village, venturing further this time, on the lookout for houses with some sort of rear entrance.
  6. He supposed he, too, was trying to find sanctuary as well from the carnage in the streets.
  7. The three mounted and made their way in no great hurry across the fields and towards the sanctuary of the woods.
  8. If there was terror rather than sanctuary out there, she wanted to spare her daughter that for as long as possible.
  9. In the distance she spied the hunt the desperate hind had almost made it back to the sanctuary of the woods.
  10. You gave a frightened woman a sanctuary, a place where she could be her true self, for once in her life.