English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "با احترام" عبارت است از رفتار یا صحبت کردن با احترام، ادب یا مودبانه نسبت به شخص دیگری. این به معنای ارج نهادن یا ارج نهادن به طرف مقابل، تصدیق موقعیت یا اقتدار او و رفتار محترمانه و محترمانه است. به طور کلی، کلمه "با احترام" برای نشان دادن رویکرد مؤدبانه یا مؤدبانه به یک شخص یا موقعیت استفاده می شود.

Sentence Examples

  1. But the warrior, whom I respectfully greeted by raising the sheathed sword in my hand, pommel in the vertical position, made no move to attack.
  2. Bernia respectfully had the trencher, which was piled high with food, sent back to the kitchen and asked for broth to be sent up instead.
  3. They knelt before Calder, saying the necessary oath and bowing respectfully to Regan before going back down the steps.
  4. Arthur faced off against Villagrana and bowed respectfully.
  5. He was on foot, and after looking very respectfully at her, looked with most unfeigned satisfaction at her companion.
  6. Richard had taken a few steps back respectfully and waited for the Earl to conclude his business.
  7. The knights raised the lids of their helmets and nodded respectfully to the King.
  8. Slowly, I lower my arms and place the egg on the ground in front of the dragon, tilting my head respectfully.
  9. He holds his floppy hat respectfully in both hands.
  10. Clasping both hands together, he lifted them in front of his face and nodded his head in the common greeting one Niscian might give respectfully to another.