English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "پشیمانی" عبارت است از احساس اندوه، ناامیدی یا پشیمانی نسبت به چیزی که اتفاق افتاده یا کاری که فرد انجام داده یا انجام نداده است. همچنین می‌تواند به ابراز عذرخواهی یا اندوه برای کاری که شخص اشتباه انجام داده یا باعث درد یا ناراحتی دیگری شده است اشاره داشته باشد.


  1. declination

Sentence Examples

  1. His thoughts, desires, and regrets poured out in an avalanche of emotion.
  2. Leaving our bread crumbs rotting in the soil, we fill our bags with memories, guilt, and regrets, dragging them along all the roads we encounter, hoping we can use them to find our way.
  3. His earlier self roamed the palace above somewhere, and had gradually been hoarding away the treasures from the palace into the empty chambers beneath, but there were more chambers than he would ever fill before being forced to adjust to a world changing more rapidly than his own regrets.
  4. Thrusting his regrets aside, Tarkyn walked to his dressing table where his jewellery box stood in full view.
  5. In some ways, that had come true as patients and family members trusted her with their long-held hopes, dreams, secrets and regrets.
  6. Loss, regrets, and finally, hope made themselves apparent in the turmoil of her breath.
  7. A series of regrets flashed through his head as he wept.
  8. The poet was known, personally or by reputation, in all this country he had readers in England and in several of the states of Continental Europe but he had few or no friends and the regrets for his death will be suggested principally by the consideration that in him literary art has lost one of its most brilliant but erratic stars.
  9. Out, are books on regrets, fears, guilt, and the past.
  10. It contains our regrets, perceived errors and judgments and although it may be tempting to make confusion the culprit, what the middle of our story is really offering is clarity.