English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "مطمئن" عبارت است از بازگرداندن اعتماد به نفس یا از بین بردن تردیدها یا ترس های کسی در مورد چیزی. همچنین می تواند به معنای ایجاد آرامش یا آرامش خاطر به کسی باشد که نگران یا مضطرب است.

Sentence Examples

  1. Not exactly reassured by my rationalisations, I open the door to the studio.
  2. J LYL - dad I sent a quick thank you and reassured him that he was equally missed.
  3. Sir Francis, who was familiar with the effects of the intoxication produced by the fumes of hemp, reassured his companions on her account.
  4. I reassured myself that those answers would be forthcoming soon enough.
  5. Reaching over his shoulder, he reassured himself that the black sword was still there.
  6. It was a familiar pose and Sant felt reassured whenever she adopted it.
  7. It reassured him that he was embarking on the right course of action.
  8. She reassured him that his time and petrol would be compensated.
  9. We were reassured that a spray system would not damage or stain the cotton bolls.
  10. But he reassured himself, hugging James, that this was a brilliant thing.