English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "آزار" چیزی یا کسی است که باعث ناراحتی، آزار یا آسیب می شود. این می تواند به شخص، چیز یا موقعیتی اشاره داشته باشد که برخورد با آن ناخوشایند یا آزاردهنده است و در آسایش، آرامش یا رفاه فرد اختلال ایجاد می کند. مزاحمت ها می توانند اشکال مختلفی مانند صدا، آلودگی، آفات، توجه ناخواسته یا رفتار مخرب داشته باشند و می توانند درجات مختلفی از شدت و تاثیر داشته باشند. در اصطلاح حقوقی، مزاحم نوعی از جرم است که مستلزم دخالت غیرمنطقی در استفاده و بهره مندی از اموال یا حقوق است.

Sentence Examples

  1. The infamously stupid Milo sat among the wounded barking orders and making a general nuisance of himself.
  2. Being chased by a bunch of silly young girls would be a nuisance and a distraction.
  3. The sharp pain that stabbed at her chest every time she thought of Rune smiling at Emma had dissipated to a dull nuisance she cursed beneath her breath.
  4. This First Man became our ancestor, and, like his creator, this man became the curious seeker, the constant questioner, whom the older and wiser gods found to be so much of a nuisance.
  5. Love and marriage, and all that sort of thing, is rather a necessary nuisance in its way.
  6. By the way the corners of their mouths were turned up, they seemed to be enjoying the nuisance at my feet.
  7. Our shared telephone line turned out to be a nuisance.
  8. The creature let out a surprised bark and looked down at the nuisance below him.
  9. Be that as it may, they have been a nuisance of late.
  10. But it preaches nothing of the sort its moral, so far as it can be said to have one, is that the spurious enthusiasm that is born of vanity and self-conceit, that is made an end in itself, not a means to an end, that acts on mere impulse, regardless of circumstances and consequences, is mischievous to its owner, and a very considerable nuisance to the community at large.