English to persian meaning of

معنی فرهنگ لغت "مونسون" به تغییر فصلی در بادهای غالب یک منطقه اشاره دارد که منجر به یک دوره بارندگی شدید می شود. بادهای موسمی معمولاً در مناطق گرمسیری و نیمه گرمسیری رخ می دهند و با فصل مرطوب و فصل خشک مشخص می شوند. اصطلاح "موسمی" از کلمه عربی "mausim" گرفته شده است که به معنای "فصل" یا "زمان" است.

Sentence Examples

  1. Supposedly, Arizona would start to get monsoon storms starting at the end of June and that would help to cool things down a bit, but in the meantime, we all had to suffer.
  2. Probably on the whole state Josie had told me how summers could often be cloudy and turbulent there, with spectacular monsoon thunderstorms, but those days were still months off.
  3. Blood coursed through her veins like the waters of the Nile in monsoon season.
  4. But he, being a man well experienced in the navigation of those seas, bid us all prepare against a storm, which accordingly happened on the day following for a southern wind, called the southern monsoon, began to set in.
  5. Our school was closed for five weeks during my third-grade year for a monsoon that never came.