English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "اشتباه" دیدگاه، نظر یا باور اشتباه یا نادرست درباره چیزی است. این به سوء تفاهم یا تصور نادرستی است که کسی در مورد یک موضوع، مفهوم یا موقعیت خاص دارد. تصورات نادرست ممکن است به دلیل فقدان دانش، اطلاعات ناقص یا فرضیات نادرست ایجاد شود و اغلب منجر به سوء تفاهم و اشتباه در قضاوت شود.

Sentence Examples

  1. Had the same behaviour continued, Miss Smith might have been led into a misconception of your views not being aware, probably, any more than myself, of the very great inequality which you are so sensible of.
  2. It lay, despite popular misconception, not in the Underworld, but beyond it.
  3. He had not corrected her misconception that he would be leaving soon and did not plan to.
  4. The robbers are every kind of cliché, stereotype, consensus, misconception and delusion, while the investigator chasing them relentlessly is Pa-nourgias.
  5. But before administering the medicines, I wanted to plant into her fevered mind a misconception.
  6. There was a huge misconception within Britain about what the police did.
  7. However, they had placed a burlap sack over her head to make sure things went as smoothly as possible the Austrians probably believed their native daughter had been horribly mistreated, and while that was not too far from the truth, the knights had decided to indulge this slight misconception.