English to persian meaning of

تعریف فرهنگ لغت "شکار انسان" عبارت است از جستجوی مقامات مجری قانون برای یافتن یک مجرم یا فراری که اغلب شامل تلاش گسترده و سازماندهی شده برای یافتن و دستگیری فرد می شود.

Sentence Examples

  1. A statewide manhunt has ensued for Detective Lloyd and Asher Benson.
  2. The sheriff would be back in half an hour and would be coordinating the manhunt for Rob Stotsky.
  3. He had no doubt Lady Littleton would suspect he had kidnapped Elizabeth, and there would be a manhunt for his head.
  4. If Robespierre ordered the manhunt of a supposedly incarcerated prisoner, that would raise uncomfortable questions.