English to persian meaning of

کلمه "عمومی" بسته به زمینه می تواند معانی مختلفی داشته باشد. در اینجا چند تعریف متداول وجود دارد:(صفت) مربوط به همه یا بیشتر افراد، چیزها یا مکان‌ها. بطور گسترده؛ مشترک. مثال: «نارضایتی عمومی از سیاست‌های دولت». مبهم مثال: "او به من یک ایده کلی از آنچه می خواست داد، اما جزئیات زیادی ارائه نکرد."(اسم) یک افسر عالی رتبه نظامی. مثال: "ژنرال قبل از نبرد، نیروها را مرور کرد."(اسم) شخصی که در زمینه یا موضوع خاصی متخصص نیست. فردی با دانش عمومی مثال: "او یک متخصص عمومی است، بنابراین او کمی در مورد بسیاری از موضوعات مختلف می داند."(اسم) یک دسته یا طبقه بندی که شامل طیف گسترده ای از چیزهای مختلف است. یا انواع مثال: «فروشگاه مجموعه‌ای از کتاب‌ها، از پرفروش‌ترین تا کلاسیک را در اختیار دارد.»

Sentence Examples

  1. He found the general area and, in the process of trying to locate the precise room, met Dan as he rounded a corner.
  2. People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer.
  3. Better to die than become one of those things, was the general consensus.
  4. Not only the members of the Reform, but the general public, made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg, who was set down in the betting books as if he were a race-horse.
  5. Fogg for at the Reform two libraries, one of general literature and the other of law and politics, were at his service.
  6. Our abilities placed us both in a different dimension, one that separated us from the general population.
  7. Adepts in general seemed to overlook the fact that, special though some of them might be, they would be nowhere on their own.
  8. Yes, some fared better than others, but when the House in general prospered so did even the lowliest of House members.
  9. The general assumption had been that Kila would gravitate more toward his mother after all, they shared a common bond in their Adept gifts.
  10. The discourse so far had covered such general topics as the ill-health of the English monarch, the continued strings of power gathered in fistfuls by Northumberland, the price wars that had starved some of those lucky enough to survive the sweating sickness, plus the inevitable conversation about the ferocity of the storm that continued to rage outside.