English to persian meaning of

تعریف فرهنگ لغت "cicerone" اسمی است که به راهنمایی اشاره می کند که اطلاعاتی درباره تاریخ و هنر مکان ها به گردشگران می دهد. سیسرون غالباً در مورد فرهنگ و تاریخ یک منطقه خاص آگاه است و ممکن است تورها را هدایت کند یا برای بازدیدکنندگان از موزه‌ها، مکان‌های تاریخی یا مکان‌های دیدنی دیگر توضیحاتی ارائه کند. اصطلاح «سیسرون» از کلمه ایتالیایی «سیسرون» به معنای «راهنما» یا «کسی که راه را نشان می‌دهد» گرفته شده است و از نام مارکوس تولیوس سیسرو، سیاستمدار و خطیب رومی، که به دانش و سخنوری شهرت داشت، نام‌گذاری شده است.

Sentence Examples

  1. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the last three or four years had inhabited Italy, should act as cicerone to Albert.
  2. I had no convenient cicerone in the pattern of the Utopian books.
  3. The carriage stopped near the Meta Sudans the door was opened, and the young men, eagerly alighting, found themselves opposite a cicerone, who appeared to have sprung up from the ground, so unexpected was his appearance.
  4. I thought you were earning a living in Tuscany or Piedmont by acting as facchino or cicerone, and I pitied you sincerely, as I would a child of my own.
  5. The result was that when the new-comer left the hotel with the cicerone, a man detached himself from the rest of the idlers, and without having been seen by the traveller, and appearing to excite no attention from the guide, followed the stranger with as much skill as a Parisian police agent would have used.
  6. Franz and Albert descended, the carriage approached the palace their excellencies stretched their legs along the seats the cicerone sprang into the seat behind.
  7. The cicerone reclosed the door, and sprang up by the side of the coachman.