English to nepali meaning of

"सुव्यवस्थित" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ कुनै चीजलाई अझ प्रभावकारी, सहज, वा प्रयोग गर्न सजिलो बनाउने गरी डिजाइन वा व्यवस्थित गर्नु हो। यसले कार वा हवाइजहाज जस्ता वस्तुको चिल्लो र वायुगतिकीय आकारलाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ जसले यसलाई तरल पदार्थ (जस्तै हावा वा पानी) मार्फत न्यूनतम प्रतिरोध वा तान्नुहोस्। सामान्यतया, सुव्यवस्थित कुनै चीजलाई पातलो, प्रभावकारी र सरलीकृत डिजाइनद्वारा विशेषता गरिन्छ जसले अनावश्यक जटिलता वा बल्कलाई कम गर्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. It was much more streamlined and smoother than the ones used in drills at the Academy, my hand fitting the handle like it was meant to be there.
  2. With the bulk of the heavy cable harness still inside the door, Franklin pulled himself underneath, around the right streamlined wheel pontoon.
  3. Where the land is fertile and suitable for grapes agribusiness has taken over many of the bodegas, with vast sums invested in irrigation and streamlined styles of planting.
  4. Twelve feet tall and eight feet around, it was smooth and streamlined.
  5. The Master was at the window, his great lithe body undulating in the air, four massive scaled limbs hanging below, tucked up and streamlined.