English to nepali meaning of

"स्टोभ" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ तताउन वा खाना पकाउन प्रयोग गरिने यन्त्र हो, जसमा सामान्यतया खुट्टाले सपोर्ट गरिएको फ्ल्याट टप, फायरबक्स भएको शरीर, र चिम्नीमा निर्देशित एक वा बढी फ्लूहरू समावेश हुन्छन्। स्टोभहरू काठ, कोइला, ग्यास वा बिजुलीबाट चलाउन सकिन्छ र सामान्यतया घर, रेस्टुरेन्ट र अन्य भवनहरूमा पाइन्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. I put a saucepan of milk on the stove and cocoa and sugar in a cup and open a can of tuna.
  2. Her father was elderly, and he could have easily forgotten to turn off the burner on the stove.
  3. Sam poured the golden liquid into a pot on the stove to simmer.
  4. On the stove, a cast iron skillet churned with thick black smoke.
  5. One was kneading bread, another standing over the stove stirring something in a pot, and the last one was mopping the floors.
  6. I caught a glimpse of more hallways and a large kitchen with a billowing wood stove.
  7. The incident with the stove the other night had increased her fear of him living on such a big property alone.
  8. She smiled and poured us each some coffee, which we took a few minutes to drink, sitting round the wood stove.
  9. Spinning away from the sink, she grabbed a towel off the stove, wiped her hands while looking towards the door.
  10. I traipsed through the rooms, stripping beds and attending to dollops of this and that stuck fast to walls and floors, to the handprints on the windows, the grime on the stove, the orange juice that had leaked in the fridge, and the hairs in the shower.