English to nepali meaning of

"स्थिर" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा एउटा विशेषण हो जसले कुनै चीज वा कसैलाई वर्णन गर्दछ जुन स्थिति, दिशा वा कार्यमा दृढतापूर्वक स्थिर वा स्थिर छ। यसको अर्थ चरित्र वा कार्यसम्पादनमा भरपर्दो, सुसंगत र भरपर्दो पनि हुन सक्छ।क्रियापदको रूपमा, "स्थिर" भन्नाले कुनै चीज वा कसैलाई स्थिर बनाउनु, कुनै चीजलाई चल्न वा हल्लाउनबाट जोगाउनु वा भित्र रहनु हो। एक निश्चित स्थिति वा दिशा।विभिन्न सन्दर्भहरूमा "स्थिर" शब्द प्रयोग गर्ने केही उदाहरण वाक्यहरू यहाँ छन्:उनले पोर्ट्रेट चित्रण गर्दा स्थिर हात राखिन्।कारखानामा उनको जागिरले उनको परिवारको लागि स्थिर आम्दानी प्रदान गर्यो।उनले लामो सास फेरे। ठूलो प्रस्तुति अघि आफ्नो स्नायु स्थिर बनाउन।


  1. calm
  2. becalm

Sentence Examples

  1. I held the paper carefully, willing my hands to stay steady.
  2. He took another sip of tea as if to steady himself and continued.
  3. She cupped his hand with her left hand, holding it steady as she wrote with her right.
  4. She ignored the thought, willing her fingers steady so that she could get herself out of her casual dinner gown and into her leathers as swiftly as possible.
  5. James wraps an arm about her to steady her while placing a hand over her mouth.
  6. I raise my flashlight slowly, trying to keep the beam steady from all my shaking.
  7. He held her from behind, keeping her steady as he guided her through the correct foot movements when sparring.
  8. Thus, despite the troubled state of her mind, her fingers were steady as she unwrapped the gift, her smile eager with anticipation.
  9. There are blessings from Katrina, as Viola says in the beginning, for my travel writing took off, a job I had wanted my entire career although being a newspaper editor provided a steady income and benefits.
  10. I gasp for breath, then exhale, ready to steady my emotions and face the world when I see her in the mirror, faintly, the line of her figure like a shadow marked by a Sharpie.