English to nepali meaning of

"शेल्फ" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ वस्तुहरूको भण्डारणको लागि प्रयोग गरिने समतल तेर्सो समतल हो। यो फर्निचरको टुक्रा हुन सक्छ, जस्तै बुकशेल्फ वा भान्साको शेल्फ, वा यो प्राकृतिक विशेषता हुन सक्छ, जस्तै चट्टानको अनुहारमा रक शेल्फ वा समुद्रमा कोरल शेल्फ। एउटा शेल्फ विभिन्न सामग्रीहरू, जस्तै काठ, धातु, वा प्लास्टिकबाट बनेको हुन सक्छ, र पर्खाल वा फ्री-स्ट्यान्डिङमा संलग्न गर्न सकिन्छ। पदानुक्रम वा प्रणालीमा स्तर वा श्रेणीलाई सन्दर्भ गर्न शब्द "शेल्फ" पनि रूपक रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।

Sentence Examples

  1. Guy went to retrieve a small ledger from the shelf.
  2. Evan and Jed ducked down behind the immense shelf of books nearest to the Masters, peering through the tiny gaps the ancient tomes afforded.
  3. Passepartout was dispatched in search of the steward, and soon returned with two packs of cards, some pins, counters, and a shelf covered with cloth.
  4. The sword lay horizontally along the back of a shelf it shared with a selection of ladies trinket boxes.
  5. Someone stepped between us and grabbed a book off the shelf, so I looked up to see who was in the way.
  6. He set his book on the shelf and bolted towards the stairs.
  7. Expensive bric-a-brac filled every shelf, mantle, and table top, all without a speck of dust.
  8. On a shelf she found a knife and collected a doublet from the back of a chair.
  9. Without hesitation, she pulled it over her head before reaching back again for the other object she had felt on the stone shelf in the blackness.
  10. There were another eight on the shelf above the altar.