English to nepali meaning of

संज्ञाको रूपमा, "छाया" का धेरै अर्थहरू हुन सक्छन्, जसमा:प्रकाश अवरुद्ध गर्दा हुने अँध्यारो।ब्लक वा कम गर्न प्रयोग गरिने स्क्रिन वा आवरण प्रकाशको मात्रा, जस्तै छाता वा चर्मपत्र।रङ वा रंग जुन वरपरको क्षेत्रभन्दा गाढा हुन्छ।थोरै भिन्नता वा भिन्नता, जस्तै अर्थको छाया .सापेक्ष अन्धकार वा सूर्यबाट सुरक्षाको ठाउँ, जस्तै रूखमुनि।एक सूक्ष्म अपमान वा आलोचना।जस्तै। एक क्रिया, "छाया" को अर्थ हुन सक्छ:प्रकाशको मात्रा रोक्न वा कम गर्न।थोरै अँध्यारो वा रङ गर्न।प्रतिनिधित्व गर्न वा थोरै भिन्नता वा भिन्नताहरूसँग चित्रण गर्नुहोस्।अपमान गर्न वा सूक्ष्म वा अप्रत्यक्ष रूपमा आलोचना गर्न।


  1. lamp shade
  2. lampshade

Sentence Examples

  1. Hair the shade of blood cascaded to his shoulders, framing a striking, ceramic face.
  2. His eyes were such a dark shade of brown they appeared almost as black as his hair, and narrowed when he saw me watching.
  3. At lunchtimes, with Gloria in one hand and a basket of bread, cheese and fruit in the other, I amble down past the little covered market and town hall, and then take a detour through the plaza for the shade.
  4. His skin was a deep shade of bronze that only emphasized his obsidian eyes.
  5. The snow was blue here, a shade lighter than the crystalline trees surrounding them.
  6. Her hair was pulled back in a functional knot, and it was difficult to see the color clearly in the dim light of the room, but it seemed darker than it had been when she was younger, the shade now closer to mahogany.
  7. Her skin was tan, and her blue eyes were a shade too bright to be natural.
  8. Tiny rain drops had settled on her face, like transparent freckles, and her eyes were the brightest shade of emerald.
  9. The middle moon was a dark shade of blue, with an emerald and a lilac brother on either side, and multi-coloured stars flecked all around.
  10. The village with its ancient, cuboid farmhouses, their shutters and doors the same shade of green, maintains quietude when the rest of the island swarms with activity the whole year round.