English to nepali meaning of

"सेवा" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ सेवक हुनु वा अरू कसैको नियन्त्रणमा रहेको अवस्था हो। यसले अर्को व्यक्ति वा संस्थाको सेवा गर्न बाध्य भएको अवस्थालाई पनि जनाउन सक्छ, सामान्यतया श्रम वा दायित्वको केही रूप मार्फत। थप रूपमा, शब्दले कानुनी वा सामाजिक प्रणालीलाई जनाउन सक्छ जसमा केही मानिसहरूलाई अरूको अधीनस्थ मानिन्छ, प्रायः जाति, जातीय, वा सामाजिक वर्ग जस्ता कारकहरूमा आधारित हुन्छ। समग्रमा, दासता भनेको अधीनमा रहनु वा अर्कोको अधिकार वा नियन्त्रणको अधीनमा रहेको अवस्थालाई वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिने शब्द हो।

Sentence Examples

  1. Slavery had crept in then, as indentured servitude first, and then the slippery slope was fast and steep.
  2. You view being a Maiden as servitude, but my world sees it very differently.
  3. I am so tired of hearing how people should wait a little longer in servitude whilst well-fed men decide their fates by warm fires.
  4. I badly wanted to explore the marketplace and see all the knick-knacks and such that I had only gotten a glimpse of, but a life of servitude had also taught me well the dangers of wandering in strange places.
  5. He added how I had endeavored to persuade him, that in my own and other countries the yahoos acted as the governing, rational animal, and held the Houyhnhnms in servitude that he observed in me all the qualities of a yahoo, only a little more civilized by some tincture of reason, which, however, was in a degree as far inferior to the Houyhnhnm race, as the yahoos of their country were to me.
  6. I sometimes wonder that we can be so frivolous, I may almost say, as to attend to the gross but somewhat foreign form of servitude called Negro Slavery, there are so many keen and subtle masters that enslave both north and south.
  7. That was a road to servitude and weakness, to depending on politics like the Arawat instead of financial position and power like his own family.
  8. This man could fill a stadium with energy that engendered fear and servitude, yet was so largely uncelebrated.
  9. Now that I think about it, some of her actions do imply servitude.
  10. Once his knees struck earth, his back curved into the same position that I took before the Golden Calf, with his arms reaching out in servitude, his forehead humbled to the ground.